Canine CCL and TPLO Repair
One of the main knee stabilizers, the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL), guards against the internal rotation of the knee (stifle), forward displacement of the tibia (shin), and hyperextension of the joint itself.

Canine CCL and TPLO Repair
Injuries to the cranial cruciate ligament can be treated surgically. Our veterinarians will talk about your pet’s best course of action. While a quick impact might cause the cranial cruciate ligament to rip, it more often deteriorates over several months. Some animals are more prone to ligament damage due to weak ligaments and genetic factors. Patients who have experienced a CCL tear typically exhibit a severe, noticeable limp.
We are proud to offer several solutions from surgical repair such as the Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy or the Extracapsular Repair (lateral suture) to medically managing with cold laser therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, or supplements and pain medication.
We will work hard to help get your pet back to moving and enjoying life without pain!